Sunday, October 12, 2014

Microsoft Access

I will admit that I have never used Microsoft Access before this week. My original thoughts were that this software is going to be exactly like Excel. That was far from the truth, it's much much more! I found the software somewhat difficult to use, even after watching the tutorials and countless other videos on the software. At times I became very frustrated with the software and had to take a break and come back to it. With that being said, I found this weeks assignment very challenging. But that made it that much more gratifying when I completed it. 

I also see the upside in using Microsoft Access in a school setting. The software it self is very powerful and once mastered can make ones job easier. Microsoft Access allows for one to create a database to manage grades, student addresses and other information. Beyond using this software as an administrative tool, it is a great program to challenge ones self in something new. 

1 comment:

  1. This program was definitely a challenge to use. I agree that I am not sure it is a tool that I can see myself using in the classroom that much but I have seen how it has made my mother's job a lot easier. I feel that now that schools use online gradebooks that Access will soon not be needed within the classroom setting.
